How To Optimise B2B Website For Conversions in 2024

How to optimise a B2B website in 2024 and get more conversions using AI Sales Agent, scheduling software, educational materials and other tools that we've tested.

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How To Optimise B2B Website For Conversions in 2024
Eldar Agayev

Eldar Agayev


🔥Helped companies generate hundreds of thousands of revenue with in-bound AI Sales Agent
🚀 Grew the previous startup to 1,000,000+ users

Hey, b2b founder or marketer👋

My name is Eldar, I am a founder of Hachly AI. Before I dive deeper into the article, just a few reasons why you should listen to me:

  • I've built chatbots used by millions of users worldwide
  • I am currently building a startup focused on optimising B2B conversions
  • We helped companies get 70-500% more revenue from their website

Ready? Okay, let's go.

In this article, I won't be talking about the obvious things like having an optimised website for mobile, good and easy-to-understand content or how to get traffic to your website. Instead, I am going to go through 5 main things for optimising a B2B website for conversions:

  1. Booking software - how to make buyers buy.
  2. Speed - how to make sure your website actually loads fast enough.
  3. Journeys - understanding of 3 main categories of visitors
  4. Lead Magnets - how to get 50% pipeline opportunities
  5. AI agents - how to combine Scheduling software, lead magnets, and journeys together.

Booking software

B2B businesses are divided into two categories:

  1. Sales-led
  2. Product-led

In sales-led sales, we usually have a CTA that is either scheduling a demo/call or an appointment if you are selling physical goods. In product-led sales, we usually have free trials, freemiums, or paid plans as main growth levers.

The worst thing you can do is to have an intermediary step such as scheduling a call to schedule a call for later. It's 2024, buyers want quick interactions and most markets are oversaturated even if you have a great product, you need to be quick in delivering value to website visitors. This is where scheduling software can really help. You can usually combine scheduling software with forms and/or include fields in the scheduling popup. Let users choose a time when they want to have a chat/meeting and ask them for a few details before that.

What can you use for scheduling software?

To be honest, there are millions of options, such as Calendly, and NeetoCal. Pick one and embed it to your website. Either when the user clicks on the button OR place it as a section of the landing page.


Speed matters. If you have a great copy, optimised website for conversions but your website takes 10 seconds to load - nothing matters. How to check this?

Simple—use Lighthouse. It's a free tool built into Chrome that gives you a detailed report on your website's performance.

Here’s how to do this:

  1. Open your website in Chrome.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.
  3. Click the Lighthouse tab at the top of the developer tools.
  4. Hit Generate Report. Wait for the magic to happen. Do not open other pages and just wait for 10-15 seconds.

You'll get a score for your site’s performance. If it's below 90, you’ve got some work to do. Lighthouse will also give you specific suggestions on how to improve it. Get this data and send it over to your developers or marketing team. They would know what to do.


Not all visitors are created equal, and understanding the different journeys they’re on is key to optimising your website for conversions.

You can’t treat everyone the same — they have different needs and goals. By guiding them down the right path, you give yourself the best chance to convert visitors into leads and eventually paying customers.

Most B2B websites are optimised for BUYERS, missing out on 2 other categories: Wanderers and Learners.

It's a huge mistake that could result in leaving 70% of the revenue on the table. You need to have three main pillars: educational material, quick interactions and easy way to get value.

Here’s how I like to break down visitors into three main categories:


These people are just having a look around. They're comparing different options and checking out pricing. They’re not in a rush to make a decision, but they want to see what’s on offer. For Wonderers, the most important thing is easy access to pricing, free trials, or some way to get a feel for your product or service. They want to try before they commit, so make sure you're giving them something to test the waters with. They usually convert straight to buyers if they think your solution fits their project, but can also convert to learners.


These visitors are more serious. They’ve got a problem, and they think your solution could be the answer. For them, it’s crucial to provide a way to ask a few qualifying questions—they want to know if your solution is exactly what they need. This is where an AI agent can be a game-changer, offering instant answers and saving them from digging through FAQs or waiting for a callback. They're also ready to engage with your team and are usually looking for a trial or freemium option to dive into straight away. Don’t keep them waiting! This is where scheduling software and an easy way to get value is a great fit.


These visitors aren’t ready to buy just yet, but they’re curious. They’re exploring your solution to see if it could fit into their current or future project. Learners are after information, so it’s important to have an AI agent that can help answer questions and point them in the right direction. They're also prime candidates for a lead magnet like a free guide or whitepaper. Give them educational content to help them understand your product better, and they’ll be much more likely to come back when they’re ready to buy.

Understanding these journeys and giving your visitors exactly what they need, when they need it, can make all the difference. Whether they're just browsing, ready to buy, or looking to learn, having the right tools and strategies in place will increase your chances of converting them.

Lead Magnets – How to Get 50% More Pipeline Opportunities

Lead magnets are primarily for wanderers and learners.

They’re not quite ready to buy, but they’re getting close.

This is where most B2B companies COMPLETELY FAIL — they don’t optimise their website for these types of visitors, even though they make up about 85% of all website traffic.

Imagine if Zara or H&M only had photos of their clothes in-store, with no chance to try anything on, and the only way to buy was to show that photo to the cashier. That's crazy, right?

Well, that’s exactly what’s happening in the B2B world.

Websites are mostly built for ready buyers, but wanderers and learners are completely ignored.

What happens when you ignore them? They go to your competitors, the ones who can:

  1. Answer their questions quickly.
  2. Offer them real value (educational material, access to an expert).
  3. Help them understand and address the problem/project they’re trying to solve.

Now, are you really okay with losing out on 85% of your website traffic because of that? Hopefully not:)

That’s why lead magnets are essential to keep these visitors engaged and turn them into future opportunities.

Lead magnets should be one of your main strategies for generating leads that you can later nurture.

These leads can be targeted with retargeting ads, added to email newsletters (for further education), or invited to webinars down the line, etc.

Examples of lead magnets include:

  • Guides on how to solve a specific problem.
  • Webinars that dive into the details of the prospect's project.
  • A free version of your product so they can test it out

By using lead magnets, you’ll not only keep those wanderers and learners from going elsewhere, but you’ll also grow your pipeline and keep nurturing those potential customers until they’re ready to make a move.

How do we combine scheduling calls for buyers, giving educational materials to learners and answering wanderers' questions?

Don't get me wrong, having all three separately still works: you can run webinars on social media while actual humans sit on a chatbot 24/7, answering questions, and constantly redesigning your website to make it convertable.

But... What's better?

Having all three together. It's 2024. We have AI available to everyone — so why not use it to make life easier for both you and your customers?

I might be biased, but the best way to do that is with Hachly’s AI agent, which we built specifically for complex B2B products, big websites, and lots of traffic. And, honestly, it works just as well for smaller websites like ours, with only a few pages and a blog, and not much traffic at all.

Why does it work? Because we follow these simple principles:

  1. Be the best for the end-user: Scheduling a call, starting a free trial, or grabbing a lead magnet is super easy with our AI agent. But more importantly, it’s just as easy to get quick answers to any question they might have. Wanderers, learners, and ready-to-buy visitors all get what they need without friction.
  2. Optimise for sales: Our AI agent acts like a consultant in the real world. It doesn’t just sit there waiting for interaction — it asks the right questions, proactively continues the conversation, and offers visitors something they’re likely to agree to, whether it’s a trial, a demo, or a guide. That’s why our clients see up to 70% growth in revenue after launching it on their websites.
  3. Easy to launch: No need for experts, developers, or special teams. You don’t have to jump through hoops. Just sign up for a trial, and you're ready to go—your AI agent is live, helping you convert more visitors 24/7.

It's a lot to process, I know.

And you probably have hundreds of ideas that you want to implement right now. Go ahead!

Start with an AI agent that will be ready in the next 15-20 minutes and then think about speed, lead magnets and getting the scheduling software showing on your pages (although, you would need a link to schedule a call when you sign up with us).

Hopefully, this was helpful for you and you got some value.

For more content like this - follow me on LinkedIn.

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